(973) 264-9585

Mon-Fri: 10 am to 8 pm

Solution Based Services provides professional counseling services to help you with anything you or your family are going through. Our counselors are certified and have decades of experience working with children, adults, couples, and everyone in between. We take an empathetic and personalized approach with each patient to understand their needs fully when it comes to counseling services. If you are suffering from anxiety, depression, sadness, substance abuse, anger, trauma, or any other issue causing mental and emotional anguish, call us to schedule a consultation.

why choose us

We offer a full range of primary care and mental health services for people of all ages.

We understand that health care is personal. Our compassionate clinical and Licensed social workers, therapist, behavioral assistance, and mentors team will work as a team with you to understand your unique health needs and to personalize a care plan specifically for you. We are committed to your health, safety, comfort and convenience.

Certified Counselors


Compassionate Treatment


Emergency Care

